
Showing posts from September, 2020

Menachem Bluming Muses: Thinking BIG

Before the holiest prayer of each day the silent prayer known as the shemonah esrei we say: Hashem sefasay tiftoch.   Now literally that means G-d open my lips but sefasay also means my banks, like river banks. G-d broaden my horizons let me see YOU in a new light. Let me open my eyes to see you not just as an aloof power or a judge who scrutinizes and condemns but as a parent who embraces and uplifts. Who imbued me with a G-dly expression enabling and empowering me to lift myself above fear and worry and judgement to a place of connection, peace and wholesomeness. Expand my horizons allow me to think bigger and broader because I am so much more capable than I allow myself to believe. Rabbi Mendel (Menachem) Bluming

Menachem Bluming Muses: Special Children

Note received:   I guess you could say I am angry at G-d right now. We have been trying to become pregnant for several years since our oldest was born. Our prayers were finally answered. Well sort of. I am pregnant, but the doctors say my baby has a rare condition with very little chance to survive to term, and even less chance of surviving after birth for more than a few days. I just don't get it. Why would G-d do that to me? Here's what I wrote in response: I have no answers for you. Your pain is real, and your anger understandable. I can't give you an explanation. All I can offer is friendship and support. And I'll tell you a story. There was a soul in heaven waiting to come down to this earth. Unlike other souls, who need to battle through life in a body for decades, this soul's mission would be brief. She would only be on earth for a short time. Then she'd be free to fly back to her heavenly home. The appointed day was approaching for this preciou...

Menachem Bluming Muses: Asymptomatic Carriers of Good

It’s a game changer. With Covid-19 the reports are indicating that you can be totally asymptomatic and still be a carrier of the virus and unknowingly spread it further, G-d forbid. It means that even though you feel fine, and you are the nicest person in the world, there is no guarantee that you are not going to spread anything negative to anyone else. Because it is possible that you are unknowingly carrying the errant microbe. This is the reason for the widespread insistence on masks, and distancing and the other mandated precautions. Because even if you think you feel fine, maybe G-d forbid there is something you are carrying that you simply don’t know about. So here is a positive angle! You have so much goodness inside of you! Even more than your symptoms might show and even more than you know. Shine that goodness to all around you through a smile, a word of wisdom, guidance and Torah or a kind deed. If a virus can spread even if one shows no symptoms how much more so g...