Jewish Response to Good Fortune?

I am sure that you have heard a lot about the Jewish response to difficult times in life; to tragedy, to pain to loss... But what does Judaism have to say about the response to GOOD fortune?!

If everything is just awesome in your life!! Or if some aspects of your life are just phenomenally successful - what is your response meant to be? Guilt???

It should make you feel... humbled, thankful and deeply indebted and committed to your mission in life.

If you give your employee a serious raise and their response is: "Wow, that is so special of you! That makes me feel so much more dedicated and committed to the company's mission!" How does that make you feel? Do you regret the raise? Of course not! You wish that you had given it sooner!

When your response to G-d is that the good fortune bestowed upon you makes you feel humbled and dedicated, indebted and driven to do more, wow that is the response the Giver of those blessings was hoping for!!

(Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 2)

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