Is G-d Vengeful?

The same Bible which warns us not to take revenge describes Gd Himself as "a vengeful Gd." How can this be? If we are told not to be vengeful, why does G-d not practice what he preaches?

But that is exactly the point. The very fact that Gd is vengeful allows us humans not to be. No human justice system is foolproof, so ultimate justice is in His hands. He will right the wrongs and punish the wicked. In this world or in the next, in this lifetime or another, in ways we may never know, justice will be served.

It's funny, you often hear people disparaging "the vengeful Gd of the Bible." They somehow think that a vengeful Gd will produce vengeful followers. The opposite is true. It is precisely Gd's vengefulness that enables humans to let go of the desire for revenge. 

We know there is a true Judge, and He will do justice. So we humans can leave the vengeance to Him, and get on with living.

Credits: Rabbi Moss,, Menachem Mendel Bluming

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