How to Welcome the 5th Son!

So here’s my challenge to you: invite the fifth son to your Passover Seder!

In the course of the Passover seder we discuss the "Four Sons" and the questions they pose, from the "Wise Son" who wants to know all of the particulars of Passover observances, to the "Wicked Son" who challenges and mocks them. There is a "Simple Son" who simply asks "What's this?" There is even a son who is there but us not engaged enough to care to ask.

Modern society has had an impact upon the Jewish people: today we have yet another son. The son who does not even attend a seder.

Yes, it is true. There are many Jews out there who are not going to attend a seder this Passover. They can be put into three basic categories: 1) They have no place to attend. 2) They do not care to attend. 3) They do not know of Passover or its seder.

I challenge you to find the language and open heart to invite them in and make the passover seder the most edifying and inspiring Jewish experience! You can do it! Go for it

Menachem Mendel Bluming and

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