Why Do Some Die Young?
The mystery of death is one that we cannot
truly understand. Why some souls come down here for a mere few years, only to
be taken away from us, we cannot explain.
Every soul
is assigned a mission and we do not choose how many years will be allotted to fulfilling
that mission. Every day is needed. We hope that it will be 120 years but some are less. We do our
best to take life’s clues as to what our mission is but life remains mysterious;
beyond human comprehension.
That leaves a lot of pain for relatives who
remain alive who miss the departed…
Nothing can replace the physical touch of a
hug, the pleasure of seeing and interacting with a loved one.
But we know
that only the body dies, not the soul. And it is the soul of a person whom we
love. Our connection with our loved ones is not with their physical presence,
but their person, their love, their spirit. And that relationship never goes
away. It just takes another form…
May you and your loved ones live long! Cherish
life and embrace every moment!
Mendel Bluming