Menachem M. Bluming on Gun Control

In Las Vegas we were stunned once again by another staggering and grotesque mass murder and the resultant anguish for all those whose lives have been destroyed and irrevocably altered. We are left perplexed and wondering what in the world is going on in our country?

This kind of vicious mass murder is something we have not seen before, certainly not with the frequency that we see it today. Would you believe that there has been a shooter incident somewhere in the country almost every day this year?

In the latest tragedy in Las Vegas the killer doesn't seem to even have had a twisted ideological or religious motive. Just wanton murder.

Although law enforcement may be baffled in their search for a motive in this case, A general societal shift may have contributed to the perpetration in these kind of atrocious acts. The most dramatic changes in American society over the past seventy five years has been, not in the technological realm (though superficially it may seem so), but rather in the abandonment of absolute values and G-d centered morality. This fundamental change in the underpinnings of society, has over the course of time, permeated every aspect of contemporary society from basic social structures to business, entertainment, and education. This abandonment of G-d and values has weakened our societal foundation and, cumulatively, has laid the ground work that has wreaked this nihilistic havoc upon us.

...each of us as individuals do have the chance to make G-d centered choices. These singular, individual acts, have the ability to create global positive change.

Menachem Mendel Bluming, RSK and

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