Menachem Bluming inquires: Can you Imagine a Totally New Color?

I didn’t imagine so. It is beyond the human ability to conceptualize anything whatsoever that has no basis in reality. All human ingenuity is the result of taking pre-existing ideas and readjusting them, using ingredients that are already present and making a new concoction. There is nothing completely new under the sun.

Human invention is the simulating and harnessing of our environment. That's why airplanes are similar to birds, with wings and tails, and cars look like horses, on all fours with two eyes at the front. If you think about every human invention, you will discover that nothing is absolutely original.

Even in the world of dreams, human imagination can only design characters that somewhat resemble physical creatures. Any aliens from the weirdest science fiction stories are only overgrown frogmen or human rats with big ears. The scariest space giant looks strikingly similar to a giant lobster. The wildest imaginations have never been gifted to create an entirely original being. Even fictitious characters are rooted on real life.

This also applies about the gods of ancient mythology. The , Babylonian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman deities were nothing more than inflated humans or embodiments of forces of nature. It is easy to see how they were man-made, a mishmash of mortal man's fears and desires and fantasies. All ancient gods, alike all human inventions, were creative depictions of familiar realities. G-d alone creates originals we just copy from there (even cloning is just reproducing).

And G-d alone created you; a true original!

Menachem M. Bluming, Rabbi Moss and

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