Why do we Wash our Hands Before Bread?

Rabbi Mendel Bluming guides the Chabad Shul of Potomac, Maryland. Chabad’s motto is to increase understanding in and connection to the service of G-d.

So here’s a thought to provide more understanding as to why we wash before bread.

In the times of the Temple, the Kohen tribe of priests would survive off of donations of produce from all the farmers, called the Terumah. This food could only be given to a Kohen and his family, and had to be eaten in a state of ritual purity. So the priests would ritually wash their hands before eating to ensure that they were pure. From then it became customary for even non-priests to wash their hands before eating, in deference to the Kohanim who had an obligation to do so. And even though today we unfortunately don’t have those foods that need to be eaten in purity, we continue to wash our hands before bread.

Why did our sages require us to wash our hands the same way the priests did? The Kohanim did not work outside in the fields. They served exclusively in the Temple, and relied on the tithes people donated to them for their upkeep. A priest couldn't fool himself and believe that he had worked for his bread. It was clear that he was being provided for through the kindness of others.

Washing our hands reminds us to feel similarly. It is not just our own work and effort. All is a gift from G-d.

Menachem Mendel Bluming and Rabbi Moss  

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