Menachem Bluming Muses: COVID-19 and Social Distancing
COVID-19 is exacting a heavy price already on society and many
individuals and businesses.
There is a great suffering that you and I can help alleviate:
"Social Distancing"
What a horrible idea... Yes, we need safe or maybe call it
healthy distancing, but social distancing?! Our words affect our thinking; we
need to use another phrase.
So many people feel isolated and alone, socially distanced. They feel
that society sees them as a potential threat and danger. Maybe they live alone
and you can live alone even with others living in the house...
We need social embracing and encouragement- not social distancing, let's
stop using that harmful phrase. Think of someone to call today, reach out to
another to help them with or just speak with them. Don't just forward a funny
meme or text them - get onto zoom with them or call.
Social closeness coupled with safe distancing will get us
through this with G-d's help!
Mendel (Menachem) Bluming