Menachem Bluming Muses: Inaugural Addresses
What a US President says in his inaugural
speech very often sets the tone for his presidency. The only way to know for
sure if his inaugural address will inspire; to know if he will keep his
promises and commitments is to look in retrospect once a little time has
This week marks the 70th anniversary of the
inaugural address of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
But this was a most unusual candidate, in that he had no desire at all to be
elected to the office of Rebbe. While candidates usually run for the position,
this candidate had been running from the position.
But this night, after a full year of refusing
the title, the Rebbe relented. And the words the Rebbe spoke that night was
clearly a historical inauguration address.
There were no dazzling campaign promises, no
melodramatic oaths of office. There was no soaring rhetoric and no thundering
70 years later we look back and realize, with
an overwhelming sense of gratitude, that the Rebbe went on to live and breathe
every word spoken that night.
The Rebbe's words about unconditional
love became the global network of Chabad Houses, offering just that to
literally every Jew on earth. The Rebbe's words about giving it your all and
not being afraid of hard work came to life in the Rebbe's subsequent 44 years
of tireless work without a single day off. Not a single day. The Rebbe's words
about the eternity of a saintly life have become tangible today as the number
of his Chasidim and adherents has grown steadily since the day of his passing
over 25 years ago.
The scope of the Rebbe's accomplishments is
staggering enough. But what isn't as well known or appreciated is that the
Rebbe's words never outdid his actions. Every word he said became a tangible
reality. And if he didn't see it becoming a reality, he didn't say it. The
Rebbe wasn't an orator, interested in inspiring others to do what he wouldn't,
G-d forbid. The Rebbe also wasn't a dreamer, simply thinking aloud of grand
hopes in the hope that someone, someday, somewhere, would make them true. He
never spoke of ideas; he spoke of plans.
Many a Chasid of those early days has
confessed to suspecting the Rebbe of dreaming aloud. When the Rebbe spoke about
scattering out from Brooklyn to the four corners of the world to reach every
Jew, they thought the Rebbe might be trying to stir up the injured imaginations
of a room-full of survivors. Surely, though, he didn't mean it as a plan; only
a dream. Something to the effect of, "Wouldn't it be amazing if we could
share our spiritual wealth with the entire Jewish People? Oh well, let's at
least try to get a Minyan for Kaddish." Next thing they knew the Rebbe was
looking for a volunteer to move out to Casablanca. And then Milan. And then
they realized the Rebbe wasn't content with dreams - he wanted plans.
The Rebbe's inaugural speech was pure gold
because it served - and continues to serve - as the cornerstone for decades of
energetic and world-changing action. A few hours worth of words in the winter
of 1950 echoed and resounded and changed the lives of people all over the world
- Jewish and beyond - with the sheer force of their sincerity.
So in the style of the Rebbe, let's make
ourselves a pledge to turn our pledges into plans and our words into
world-changing deeds.
Rabbi Mendel (Menachem) Bluming and Rabbi Friedman