
Showing posts from May, 2021

Menachem Bluming Muses Why Cicadas

In many states of the United States this spring of 2021 will welcome in billions of Brood X cicadas. With over 1 1/2 million of these creatures per acre the region will be blanketed.   They live just long enough to mate and then they soon pass away. Their progeny fall into the earth where they borrow for the next 17 years to emerge again. Imagine a mother cicada sitting with her children beneath the earth before they emerge: “Listen here my dear children cicadas! These are the moments that we have been waiting for. It will be only a brief few weeks on this earth and then you will be gone. Make sure to fulfill your purpose and mission because there is only a small window of opportunity.” Our souls too descend to this earth for a very short period of time and before they descend they are warned to be righteous and to remain focused on the mission (Talmud Chapter Three Niddah). Don't allow the time to slip through your fingers because before you know it, your allotted time is ...

Menachem Bluming Muses: Your Torah

Have you ever wondered why G-d chose the Sinai Desert to give the Torah? I would have suggested Jerusalem or Tzefat or L.A., but why a desolate desert? Here’s a thought... There are times when we are distant from Jewish community physically or psychologically... Maybe one is alone in a hospital room or on a college campus that lacks Jewish community or in covid quarantine. Maybe they live far from Jewish infrastructure or are far from Jewish observance. Torah is never far from you! Your relationship with Torah and G-d is always accessible and available to you. You can connect wherever and whenever. There is no specific venue or time required, just that you open yourself up to that meeting and you will find G-d to be close! Torah was given in a barren desert because even in the desolate deserts of life and this world, G-d is always close. He yearns for a relationship with you and removes all barriers to invite you in... Mendel (Menachem) Bluming

Menachem Bluming Muses: Why Creation?

G-d shared with us why He created you and me.   To speak in human terms, a true gift is something that the recipient cannot attain on their own. G-d is perfect and Almighty, omnipotent and omniscient, so what can we possibly give Him, what can He possibly want that we can give? Due to His perfection He lacks accomplishment, overcoming obstacles and partnership because who can be His partner... He chose to shine His light through you, we call that a soul. Through you He lives vicariously and when you overcome obstacle, when you accomplish, when you choose to be His partner in refining this world and living in accordance with Torah values, He accomplishes what He could not on His own. This, G-d shares with us, is His purpose in Creation... Only you can give G-d this gift and fulfill this purpose. Menachem Mendel Bluming, Potomac Maryland

Menachem Bluming Muses: Goodbye Mr. Covid

You feel so much a part of my life. Wherever I go, I see people thinking and talking about you. Whenever I put on my face mask or have to go on another zoom, I think of you.   I remember when you were far away. You had that exotic sounding name. They've called you Corona. You were almost like a curiosity, we didn't know what are going to look like. But then you arrived. Schools and workplaces were shut. Everyone was home, and there was an endless stream of sad news. Death, illness, overcrowded hospitals. Frankly, wherever you went, you wreaked havoc. You have changed how people live, travel, work and study. You've changed everything. Now, hopefully, you will be gone soon. Maybe you should take with you some of the "gifts" you brought. Working at home, for example, sounds like an attractive idea on paper. But ask anyone with young kids and a small living space what they think about it. So many of your other "gifts" are not necessary either. St...