Menachem Bluming Muses: Why Creation?

G-d shared with us why He created you and me. 

To speak in human terms, a true gift is something that the recipient cannot attain on their own. G-d is perfect and Almighty, omnipotent and omniscient, so what can we possibly give Him, what can He possibly want that we can give?

Due to His perfection He lacks accomplishment, overcoming obstacles and partnership because who can be His partner...

He chose to shine His light through you, we call that a soul. Through you He lives vicariously and when you overcome obstacle, when you accomplish, when you choose to be His partner in refining this world and living in accordance with Torah values, He accomplishes what He could not on His own.

This, G-d shares with us, is His purpose in Creation... Only you can give G-d this gift and fulfill this purpose.

Menachem Mendel Bluming, Potomac Maryland

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