Menachem Bluming Muses: Delta Mutation

I asked Google (July 2021) how many covid mutations have been identified and this is what they told me: “scientists have now identified at least 3,981 unique descendants of the first Covid virus that emerged in December 2019. The Delta itself already has at least 637 descendants that have been identified in the lab.”  Not a family that I would like to be a member of...

In the deeper teachings of Judaism, we are taught that unless you eradicate the source of a negative trait within yourself it will mutate indefinitely. In fact, the Rebbe Maharash, one of the greatest Jewish sages of all time, teaches that ego can even mutate in the garb of a pious Jew. A person can be outwardly pious and that outward appearance gives them the feeling that they are holy and must no longer be on guard for their inner viruses, a dangerous mistake. In addition there are times when you are needed to do something important and just at that moment a very pious religious calling comes to your mind. It is possible that even that pious deed is a mutation of inner virus rather than a reflection of true piety.

Look out for those ubiquitous mutations they sure sneak up on you!

Mendel (Menachem) Bluming 

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