Menachem Bluming Muses: How’s Business?

If a business focuses only on cash flow, it can easily fail. The cash flow may be fine and yet the business falling off a cliff, G-d forbid. We are in the final Jewish month of the year. This month is called the month of accounting. 

In Judaism cash flow is your daily actions. Being honest, saying a blessing, Tefillin, mezuzah, kosher food, honoring parents, tzedakah etc. That is making sure that your Jewish cash flow is okay and that is important.

Once a year we step back and revisit the mission of the Business, the purpose of our lives. Am I advancing in the type of person I should be? Am I guiding my children toward their G-d-given destiny? Am I serving others as I should? Am I a worthwhile investment for the Almighty?

On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we are judged, during this month we review our business and make sure that it is heading in a great direction.

May G-d bless you with a sweet and prosperous new year materially and spiritually!

Mendel (Menachem) Bluming based on Hayom Yom

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