Menachem Bluming ponders… Some people are blind or deaf etc- Why did G-d make it so?

I sure don’t know… but let’s read a story from the Talmud tractate Bava Basra page 10: The Talmud relates that the Roman governor Turnus Rufus confronted Rabbi Akiva with the following question: "If G-d professes to loves the poor, why doesn't He supply them with their necessities?" Rabbi Akiva's reply was: "To give people the opportunity to help…”

No human being is complete alone. Each one of us has a lack in some elements, and extra powers in others. A blind person may have profound emotional strength, and a deaf person an extra keen intellect. No one has it all. The result is that we need each other.

If you can see, you can help someone who is blind. If you are healthy, you can help someone who is in the hospital. If you have money, you can share it with the poor And if you have emotional depth, you can support those with emotional challenges.

That's why G-d created us all with a part missing. He is not punishing us for actions that were incorrect, He is giving us a chance to do something right. 

Menachem Mendel Bluming, Rabbi Moss and

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