Musings on the topic: where you are meant to be right now.

The Jewish faith has a basic tenant: you are meant to be where you are right now. In Proverbs 20:24 we are taught “A man’s steps are decided by the L-rd”. G-d has put you in your position for a reason. Though one thinks they made a choice being there, in fact every person was directed there from above.

A Hebrew name of G-d is Hamakom, which literally means The Place. There is divine guidance that leads us to the place we are in. What this means is, is that you are in that place because you should be there with reasons that may never be revealed to you.

There is a chance that you may never be completely happy with any stage you are in. But you will be able to settle, as soon as you decide to let go, this is home, this is where G-d wants us to be. We are not trapped, we are sent. The acceptance that you are in the perfect place will in and of itself help you to see that you belong there.

Now we know, sometimes we do need to move on. But only once a very clear message from Above that the time is right. Until then, put all your energy into searching for why you are needed there. And put your trust in Hamakom.

Menachem Bluming, Rabbi Moss and

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