Menachem Bluming considers, do Jews think unicorns are real?
Well here’s a thought...
The Torah speak about when the Israelites made a Mishkan, a moveable
Temple in the desert. G-d instructed them to make the outer walls out of the hide
of a mysterious animal called a Tachash.
Our sages described the Tachash as an animal who lived in the desert with
a splendid multi-coloured hide and one horn in the middle of its head. The
Tachash appeared only when the Mishkan was being built, then vanished without a
trace, never to be seen again.
There is a powerful message to be learned from this enchanting little
episode. The building of the Temple is a symbol of our life mission, to create
a place for G-d in this world, to work our lives into a sanctuary where
holiness can dwell.
Life is built up of many fleeting moments. The years fly by, the days pass
us, and opportunities appear and disappear. Like the Tachash, here today and
gone the next.
Every moment is multi-coloured, multi-faceted and multi-layered. We are
Blessed with good days and not such good days. However, even on a good day we
can face some challenges too, and on a not such good day there can be blessings
as well.
As many as the hues of the day are, there is only one horn pointing
straight before us. Everything we face, each day of our lives, all point in a
single direction. We are all here for a short time, to fulfil our mission to
make our world more G-dly and compassionate. Every interaction we have, every
experience we live through, every person we encounter and every place we end up
in, they all come to one point – so lift up this moment and make it a holy
So you have encountered the mysterious Tachash. It is the beautiful minute
you are living right now. It will soon disappear. Grab it by the horn!
Sources: Exodus 25:5 Midrash Tanchuma 6 Talmud Yerushalmi Shabbos 2:3
Talmud Bavli Shabbos 28a
Menachem Mendel Bluming Rabbi Moss and sources cited above