Menachem Bluming discusses How Chocolate Consumption Inspires Faith

There is an ancient Jewish remedy for strengthening faith. It is a pity it’s not well known, because if people knew about it, their lives would be so much richer. And it really isn't so difficult…

All you have to do is eat a piece of chocolate.

But before eating the chocolate, you should recite the blessing on chocolate. It goes like this:

"Blessed are you Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, for everything exists by Your word."

If you say this phrase and actually think about the words for a few seconds, you will shift your entire perspective on life. Everything exists in reality through His word. What G-d says goes. Nothing ensues by accident. We didn't make ourselves. We are not without support. We are in good hands.

Contemplate those words for just a minute a day, and you will have the strength to face everything life throws at you. Because it's not life throwing it at you, it's G-d.

So what are you waiting for? Eat some chocolate :)

Menachem M. Bluming and Rabbi Moss sourced in Nesivos Shalom

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