Menachem Bluming Muses: Do Jews Believe in Messiah?
When you listen to the news it sounds like world is descending into utter chaos rather than marching toward a redemptive state! Remember though, that bad stories keep listeners more captivated! There must be a villain if it is to sell. In every key factor, the world is better today than it has ever been, and it's just getting better. We are healthier, safer, freer, smarter and richer than our forebears. And we don't even know it. Some examples: - In 1950, 75% of the world population was living in extreme poverty. Today it is down to 10%. Food is more accessible and abundant today than ever before. - International conflict is at an all time low. Historically, the chances of dying in battle or as a result of war were extremely high. Today they hover at around 0.04%. - Two hundred years ago, 40% of babies died before the age of five. Today that figure is a tiny fraction. Even in Africa their rate has halved in the last 30 years. - Until very recently,...