Menachem Bluming Muses: Why Buy Your Wife Roses?
Flowers are useless. They are impractical, temporary, and they are not
an investment. But that's precisely their power. You buy them for no reason
other than because your wife likes them. You do it just for her.
This is the very definition of romance—doing something just to express
love. Nobody needs flowers, they won't be around forever, but they make someone
whom you love smile, so you buy them.
That's why our relationship with G d is so romantic. He needs nothing
from us humans, and we won't be around forever. But He gets immense pleasure
out of it when we do a mitzvah, an act that He has commanded. So we do it. Not
for what we get out of it, and not for what He gets out of it, but just because
He likes it and wants it.
The moment we do something that makes no sense to us but makes our loved
one happy, we have truly transcended ourselves and connected with someone else.
Stop thinking about yourself and think about her. That's the power of
the rose.
Mendel (Menachem) Bluming and Rabbi Moss