Menachem Bluming Muses: Your Mission

There are two types of workers: employees and contractors. A contractor is there to do their job, and that's it. As long as I have completed the tasks given to me, as long as the items on my to-do list are accounted for, I’ve done my bit and I can go home. 

But an employee has to work until the day is over. It is not enough that my immediate tasks are complete, I have to seek out more work and ensure every moment of the day is productive. Otherwise I am short-changing my employer.

We live in Gd's giant factory, and we are all workers, each with a specific role to play. We each contribute our part to the grand scheme of creating a better world. And we have a choice. We can either suffice with fulfilling our obligation alone, and no more, or we can go beyond that. As long as the job is not yet done, as long as the world is not yet full of goodness, we still have work to do.

If you choose to work like a contractor, only looking to fulfill your mission, once your job is done you have nothing more to offer, you have done your duty. But if you choose to be an employee, to serve Gd not for your own self-fulfillment but for His sake, then there is no end to the good you can do. And so even once you have fulfilled your personal mission, you go on to another task, and then another, until your day is up.

Never say you've done enough. And don't be scared of running out of good deeds to do. There's still plenty of work out there. Go do it.

Mendel (Menachem) Bluming and RAM

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