
Showing posts from 2016

Hanukah message - Healing from Abuse

It was not by chance that the Greeks overlooked one small cruse of oil, there is a deep message that is being communicated. No Greek in the world can defile that pure essence of yours! No abuse or neglect or catastrophe can touch that one small pure cruise of oil the center core of your soul. Tap into that pure cruse and rekindle the menorah of your life! Menachem M. Bluming and

Does Mazel Tov Mean Hooray?

​Mazel means a flow from above... tov means good or: a good flow from above. Mazel tov means may you be aligned with your soul above... May you appear below the way you are seen in your pristine essence above... So mazel tov for the marriage really means may your marriage reflect the way a marriage should be from G-d's perspective. Mazel tov for your birthday means may the coming year below reflect the way it is seen in its full potential above! Pretty deep blessing!! Menachem Bluming and

Do You Matter?

"A person is obligated to say: The entire world was created for my sake." (Talmud, Sanhedrin 37a). To a child, this is an absolutely obvious fact. He or she is the center and focus of all. Father and mother and the rest of the universe exist merely to cater to his/her needs. The undesirable aspects of such an attitude are self-evident, and weeding out the negative in man's base instincts is what education is all about. But the egocentric instinct that the child exemplifies has a positive side as well. A child has no problem dealing with an insignificance of self in face of humanity's billions and the vastness of the universe. A child is utterly convinced that his or her existence has meaning and his/her deeds have consequence. This is the child in ourselves that we must learn to cultivate: the conviction that our every thought and deed is of real, even global, significance. If you have difficulty accepting this, ask your child. Or the child in you. Chabad.or...

Great article by Dr. Martin Graf in the widely circulated Lchaim weekly newsletter!

Here it is: The Conduit Dr. Martin Graf has been practicing internal medicine since 1964. He began attending college at Alfred University after graduating high school at 16. From there, he attended Wake Forest Medical School in North Carolina, where he finished his medical boards with the highest mark. Though he hadn't needed to study to pass his boards, when Dr. Graf started seeing patients, as an intern and then a resident, "I wanted to know everything. I wanted to help solve all the problems that were being brought to me. I read and read and read. " Dr. Graf attended the University of Chicago for his medical residency. The only resident not from an Ivy League school, he was named Chief Resident in his last year. He also did a fellowship in allergy and immunology at NYU, as well as two years in the military at Bethesda Naval Hospital. "My real strength is patient care, though. And that is what I have been doing for the past 47 years." Dr....

Do You Love Yourslef? How to Love Another As Much

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself... seriously?! How can we be told to love another as ourselves? Well, are you perfect? Do you still love yourself? Accept another and embrace them too despite their imperfections. Don't allow that imperfection to constantly stare you in the face, just as it does not invalidate you in your own eyes. B ased on the Tzemach Tzedek; transcribed by Menachem Bluming and

Imagine No Religion

Question:   I don't want my children to be small-minded and look down at others, so I haven't given them a Jewish education. They have been brought up without any religion; they are free to choose whatever beliefs they like. I try to live by the words of John Lennon: Imagine there's no countries / It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for / No religion too, Imagine all the people / living life in peace...  Doesn't that sum it all up?  Answer:  I admire your passion and idealism. You have obviously given some thought to your children's moral future, which is a credit to you. But I don't see how the philosophy you have espoused is any less closed-minded than fundamentalist religion.  You don't want to force your ideals on your children. But by denying them their spiritual heritage, you are doing just that. They are missing the chance to explore their Jewish identities during their formative years. They didn't choose tha...

Why Jewish Holidays have a second day tacked on?

Question: Why on earth do we still keep two days of Yomtov outside of Israel? I know the history: in ancient times people didn't have calendars on their phones, because the calendar was not set in advance, but rather month by month. When witnesses saw the new moon they reported it to the rabbis in the Temple, and the rabbis would declare that a new month had begun. It would take a couple of weeks for the message to reach outlying communities, so they could never be sure of the correct date to celebrate the festivals. So the diaspora communities kept two days to be on the safe side. That made sense back then, but for heavens sake, we have calendars today! Why do we still keep two days in the diaspora for every festival that is one day in Israel? Come on, it's like the World Jewish Council of Rabbis can't be bothered to overturn it or discuss it. Or perhaps they fear a backlash from Jewish bakers, butchers and grocers around the world who like having more Jewish festiv...

Rosh Hashanah Apples Dipped in Honey

What's the message in apples dipped in honey traditionally shared on Rosh Hashanah? Apples rot quickly; here today gone tomorrow. Honey never goes bad. Dip your fleeting life in everlasting values and make it eternal! Shanah tovah! Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bluming and

Incredible Technology to Read Unopened Scrolls

More than 40 years ago, archaeologists discovered what appeared to be a hunk of scroll at the site of En-Gedi, an ancient Jewish community in modern-day Israel. The fragment was charred and crushed, and every touch seemed to hasten its disintegration. There seemed to be no way to open it without destroying this 1800 year old scroll. UNTIL... read about this incredible technology that read the scroll without opneing it! CLICK HERE Menachem Mendel Bluming

Is Your Mistaken Perception My Responsibility?!

When Yom Kippur approaches one must make amends for having offending others. G-d will not forgive a person until they ask their offended friend for forgiveness (Yoma Mishna 8:9). But what if that person was offended by something that I totally did not mean? They are talking emotions and intentions into my words! Am i responsible for their feelings?! When we say, "I am sorry," we are making a statement about ourselves - I am remorseful, I regret my actions, and I hope not to repeat them. But an apology is not just about you and your feelings. It is about the person you hurt. You don't apologize just to absolve yourself from guilt, but more to acknowledge that you are the cause of someone else's pain, and take responsibility for it.  This means that even if you are completely in the right and really did nothing wrong, even if the other person misinterpreted your words or actions, even if you did nothing to regret, nevertheless if someone else is hurt...

Children Entrusted to Us by G-d

Every child is G-d's precious child. Teachers and educators, parents and siblings watch this important video reminder: CLICK HERE

Can A Doubting Heart Get Married?

When you are engaged to be married there are two types of doubting you may have. One is an alarm bell that should not be ignored! The other is a sign that you have made the right choice... The great Kabbalist Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneersohn wrote a letter to his recently engaged son (printed in Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p202), explaining that engagement and doubt go hand in hand. The union of soulmates is such a lofty and super-rational event that the mind cannot possibly grasp it. Something is at work that is beyond our understanding and therefore there is always an element of doubt. This doubt is not an indication that you have done something stupid. On the contrary, it means that you have touched a level that lies beyond the confines of the human mind. Finding your soulmate is such a miracle, our logic cannot process that it is really possible, that it is really true, that I have found the one for me. This wonder is a kind of positive uncertainty - Is this for rea...

You Are Right!

"There are always two sides to every disagreement unless of course... you are one of them!" :) When you see the arguments and disagreements of others, they may look petty unless you are involved. Can we step back and observe our own disagreements? That takes real strength... Aizehu Gibor? Who is strong? we are taught in Pirkei Avot, one who conquers himself... Rabbi Menachem Mendel Bluming and anonymous source

Chabad Rabbi Plays Violin on Back of Horse-drawn Buggy at Russian Conven...

500 Chabad Rabbis from across Europe traveled across Russia to redouble their promise to the Jewish People Full article here

Donating Kidney: Will I Still be Me?

When you donate an organ, is the recipient partly you now? And is a kidney donor any less of a person with only one kidney? Having lost a part of themselves, is their identity minimized in any way?  The answer to all of the above is certainly no. Because you haven't given away a part of yourself, you have given a part of your body. And your body is not you. Your soul is. You are a soul, and that soul has a body.  So then let's ramp up the question a notch. Brain transplants are not yet possible. Although the way some people behave, it seems as if they have already become donors :) But the theoretical possibility of brain transplants really boggles the mind. Am I still me if I have someone else's brain? Maybe your kidney can become my kidney, and we both still remain the same people. But if someone's brain becomes someone else's, who is who?  Well, the answer remains the same. You are not your brain, you are your soul. Your mind, your personality and...

Where's My Faith?

The Olympics consist of top world athletes. Yes, there are others who may have the same skills and maybe even greater skills but is it is the training that is the catalyst for the metamorphosis from great skill to an Olympic athlete. The word for faith in Hebrew is Emunah. Imun - the root word of the word of Emunah, is training.  Faith is a natural skill, natural to your soul which is in the image of G-d, but it is only through training that you can cultivate that natural skill to become a life altering treasure. So start training - go for the Gold! It will enrich your life… Menachem Mendel Bluming, RSK and

If G-d wants the needy fed and taken care of why doesn’t he provide them with plenty?!

Imagine that you know someone who needs food to feed their family. You want to help them. So you send a nice check in the mail. But it never gets there, as the mailman kept the check for himself. So you order a meal online for them. But the restaurant got the order wrong and gave the food to someone else.  Not giving up, you arrange a grocery shop for them. But the delivery truck never showed up.  Exasperated, you go on to your bank app to do a direct transfer. And the app crashes.  Did you try to help? Yes. Were they helped? No. What went wrong? You were let down by the system. You may have the best intentions, but you rely on others to do their part. If they don't, the help doesn't arrive.  G-d wants to help everyone. So He created a world that has all the necessary resources to feed every mouth. And he set up a system to deliver the goods to those who are in need.  We are the system. You and me.  There is enough money in th...

The One Mitzvah You can’t Do, Unless…

It is a Jewish custom to purchase one’s burial plot while still alive. The source is Midrash Rabbah Leviticus 5:5 among others sources. Why? There are a number of reasons given, here are 3: The Torah commands us el ha’afar tashuv, to earth shall you return, there is a mitzvah to be buried in the ground (Code of Jewish Law, Yorah Deah 348:3; 362:1) We endeavor to fulfil every mitzvah but once a person passes they can no longer fulfil the mitzvoth/ commandments! The only way to fulfil this mitzvah is by purchasing it while you are still alive, may that be for 120 healthy years! It avoids unnecessary delays and confusion (and the possibility of a relative suggesting cremation, G-d forbid) after a person’s passing. It reminds us to value our time by realizing that our life on earth is limited. So go ahead, make sure that you have a proper burial spot and may you live long and healthy!! Menachem Mendel Bluming 

What's Up with the Yamaka Kippah?

The Yarmulka or Kippa is a bit like a wedding ring. Try this one on: A wedding ring is a sign that you belong to someone. If you anyway think of your loved one all the time, do you no longer need to wear the ring? Is a ring only worn until you love each other enough not to need a reminder? Of course not, because: 1) Just because you "know" that you're married, doesn't mean you won't "forget" when temptation comes your way. 2) The ring isn't only a symbol for the one wearing it. it also has a message for everyone else who sees it, that they should be aware that this person belongs to somebody else, so don't mess. 3) If you see marriage as a burden, then you wear the ring like a ball and chain. But if you are in a relationship that is deep and real, then you wear the ring with pride, because the very existence of the ring means that there is someone out there that loves you more than anyone in the world. Same with the yarmulka. 1)...

What to do when crave appreciation

I heard a beautiful story from a fellow rabbi: A husband in his community wakes up at 5:30 AM and runs through his inbox. He sees an email from his wife and the subject is “you mean so much to me” his heart melts... but then he opens it and realizes that he was BCCd by his wife on an email to the housekeeper to whom she was expressing gratitude and he realizes how deeply he craves that expression of appreciation... So what did he do? What would YOU do with that realization and feeling?  He emailed his wife and the subject was “You mean so much to me” – in the email he expressed how deeply he loves her and cherishes her and appreciates her. By seeing how much he needed it, he realized that his wife likely craved that expression from him just as much, if not more. The end of the story is that she gave it back to him in spades! What a story to live by! Menachem Mendel Bluming

Lost in the Mail for 16 Years...

Some 300 years ago, there lived an affluent man named Avigdor. He once brought a large sum of money to Rabbi  Israel Baal Shem Tov , the founder of the chassidic movement, to be distributed to the poor on his behalf. READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Synagogue named after fallen soldier; Chabad Shul sanctuary in Potomac

Synagogue named for an incredible lieutenant who treated his soldiers like he was their father... READ THE FULL STORY HERE

Don't Push it Off

Eva Sandler mother of two children who were murdered along with her husband in March 2014 in Toulouse France. She was asked if she has a message to share: yes I do she said: Don’t hold back . Tell your children what you’ve always wanted to tell them. Invest in your marriage and pay attention to your spouse. Say the shema with your children every night and never miss. Who knows how much time we have?! She continued: Just the other night I missed saying the shema with the children because I was busy and tired and tonight I longer can…

Elie Wiesel: “Therefore Be Jewish”

Elie Wiesel: “Therefore Be Jewish” Asked what he would tell a young Jewish generation about their indebtedness to the six million people who died because of their Jewish identity, he said he would tell them that they must “therefore be Jewish.” READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE

Jewish Atheists are Unique

Many Jews would like to consider themselves atheist but it is not as easy as it seems for a Jew!

Remembering Rivky - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

Remembering Rivky - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

Rabbi Mendel Bluming on the stork's proposed policy: cash on delivery!

Many would claim that finances should determine how many children we have. If you can't afford it, don't have babies. The stork should be strictly cash on delivery. Debt and diapers don't mix. It's all about the bottom line. That sounds reasonable. But let's see if it makes sense. Let's say my financial adviser assesses that I can afford to have three children, and no more. So I go ahead and have them. A few years down the line, my situation changes drastically for the worse and I can no longer pay the bills for a family of five souls. So I call in my youngest and say, "I am sorry, we made a miscalculation. We thought we could afford you. But you know how unpredictable the market is these days. We are going to have to let you go..." How are we supposed to measure how many children we can afford? Does anyone know the future to be able to say for sure what size family we can or can't fund? Who can  say for certain that they can even afford on...

Innovative Chabad Rabbi Competes on CHOPPED - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

Chabad Rabbi Competes on CHOPPED - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

Dairy treats to Celebrate the Torah?!

Shavuos is when G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mt Sinai. So why is it celebrated by eating cheesecake and other dairy treats, rather than something a little more spiritual? Is it not ironic that the holiest event in history is acknowledged by indulging in cake? Some have suggested that eating cheesecake on Shavuos is based on a spelling mistake. An early English Bible read, "And G-d spoke to Moses in the middle of the dessert..." :) But I think there's more to it. Spirituality existed long before Judaism. People prayed and meditated, brought sacrifices and served their deities many centuries before Moses climbed Mt Sinai. Judaism didn't invent spirituality. It was around before. But what was not around before was the idea that your physical life can be made holy. People knew that G-d was in heaven, but never dreamed that you could find Him on earth. All pre-Sinai religious thinking went along the same lines: we are physical beings in a physical worl...
Like is All You Need?! Is love enough? Nah actually in daily life liking is more difficult and possibly more vital than loving. You love your parents. You love your brothers and sisters. You love your children. But you don't necessarily always like them.... Sometimes you love your husband, or your wife, but you have a hard time liking him or her.  What is the difference between "liking" and "loving"?  Love comes from our sameness; liking comes from our differences. Loving someone underscores your shared identity, while liking another person emphasizes your distinctiveness from each other.  I love you because you and I, in a very deep place, are one. You and your parents, you and your siblings, are connected in a very real way. There is love there, even if it is repressed and complicated.  When I like you it means that I appreciate your unique personality and character traits. I like you not because we are one, but because we are differen...

Would you give up freedoms to choose obligations?

You do when you get married! You do when you join a shuttle mission to space! Obligations mean that your choices are important, critical because you are crucial. Freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want (as long as you do not take away someone else’s freedoms) suggest that your choices are not ultimately important; whatever you choose is fine, it’s all the same. Obligations ultimately connote that you live a meaningful life! Menachem Mendel Bluming and RMF

Why Do Some Die Young?

 The mystery of death is one that we cannot truly understand. Why some souls come down here for a mere few years, only to be taken away from us, we cannot explain. Every soul is assigned a mission and we do not choose how many years will be allotted to fulfilling that mission. Every day is needed. We hope that it will be 120 years but some are less. We do our best to take life’s clues as to what our mission is but life remains mysterious; beyond human comprehension. That leaves a lot of pain for relatives who remain alive who miss the departed…  Nothing can replace the physical touch of a hug, the pleasure of seeing and interacting with a loved one. But we know that only the body dies, not the soul. And it is the soul of a person whom we love. Our connection with our loved ones is not with their physical presence, but their person, their love, their spirit. And that relationship never goes away. It just takes another form…  May you and your loved on...

The Indestructible Western Wall

When Vespasian conquered Jerusalem, he assigned the destruction of the four ramparts of the Temple to four generals. The western wall was allotted to Pangar of Arabia. Now, it had been decreed by Heaven that this should never be destroyed, because the Shechinah (Divine Presence) resides in the west. The others demolished their sections, but Pangar did not demolish his. Vespasian sent for him and asked, “Why did you not destroy your section?” He replied, “By your life, I acted so for the honor of the kingdom. For if I had demolished it, nobody would [in time to come] know what it was you destroyed. But when people look [at the surviving wall], they will exclaim, ‘From the great building he destroyed, you can tell the might of Vespasian!’” Vespasian said to him, “Enough! You have spoken well. But since you disobeyed my command, you shall ascend to the roof and throw yourself down. If you live, you will live, and if you die, you will die.”’ Pangar ascended, threw himself down and die...

One Value to the Exclusion of all else

A new recruit is asked during an interview what he would consider to be a personal fault. He answered: that I always say the truth. "I don't consider that a fault", the potential boss shared. "I don't care what you think" replied the now less than likely recruit :-) Every value is great but not to the exclusion of everything else... Menachem Mendel Bluming

Moses as Your Life Coach

Our upcoming course titled Strength and Struggle: Lessons in Character from the Stories of Our Prophets will explore real life questions through the prism of our Kings, Prophets and Judges. It will give you a full understanding of Biblical stories that remain enigmatic and foreign to most Jews and it will challenge you to dig deeper and to grow through their strengths and struggles:  · Do you consider yourself far wiser than people around you and there is not much that they can teach you? · What would you be willing to risk to do what’s right? · Do you believe that G-d has a plan for your life or that your life is pretty much up to chance? · Do you judge people quickly? · Do you believe that your wealth gives you license to act nasty at times? · Do you think that every sin that YOU do no matter how egregious should be ultimately forgivable? · Do you think that you know how to act in critical conversations or circumstances even without seeking advice? · How do you re-ignite ...

Isn't the Mind Rather Overrated?

If your mind tells you that one thing is greater or more important than another, should you listen? It may be wrong. Which of these are longer and which is wider? Now measure.... our minds are rather overrated

Hail in Potomac MD 77 degrees outside!

Hail in Potomac MD 77 degrees outside! 6:45 PM on 5/2/16 hail this big in Potomac!

True Humility

There is no humility in pretending you are worthless. Humility is not an obsession over failure. Humility is a sensitivity, an awe, for that which lies beyond... Menachem Mendel Bluming and

Courage to Split your Personal Sea

Accept the world at its face value and it won't let you move forward. Every impulse must be bridled, every step carefully balanced  -and even then, for every step forward, you fall back two. You are enslaved within an Egypt but it is of your own making, so you have the key to get out! Here is your route of escape: Meditate deeply upon the inner soul of the world; struggle to see the vision described by our teachers. Part the murky waters of a coarse, material world; enter the reality that lies beneath it; let that be your path from bondage. Grasp that inner vision and it will flow outward through the heart to the conscious self, down to the heel that steps upon the earth, until all these, as well, become mind. Your eyes are now open, your heart is awake, your hands themselves know what to grab and what to avoid, as your feet know where to walk. In the struggle for deeper vision, life becomes effortless. You are free.  Menachem Mend...

New Jewish Adult Education Curse- Based on the Stories of the Prophets- TAPPING YOUR COURAGE

HOW DO YOU REKINDLE THE FLAME AFTER BURNOUT? HOW DO YOU BREAK OUT When you're STUCK IN CYCLONE OF routine? Join Menachem Mendel Bluming for this study in May click here

How to Welcome the 5th Son!

So here’s my challenge to you: invite the fifth son to your Passover Seder! In the course of the Passover seder we discuss the "Four Sons" and the questions they pose, from the "Wise Son" who wants to know all of the particulars of Passover observances, to the "Wicked Son" who challenges and mocks them. There is a "Simple Son" who simply asks "What's this?" There is even a son who is there but us not engaged enough to care to ask. Modern society has had an impact upon the Jewish people: today we have yet another son. The son who does not even attend a seder. Yes, it is true. There are many Jews out there who are not going to attend a seder this Passover. They can be put into three basic categories: 1) They have no place to attend. 2) They do not care to attend. 3) They do not know of Passover or its seder. I challenge you to find the language and open heart to invite them in and make the passover seder the most edifying and ...

Our Brains are Overrated :)

Test Your Brain This is really cool.  Count every "F" in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS.....  (SEE BELOW) HOW MANY 'F's? Count them again.      WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.. READ IT AGAIN ! Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 'F's before you scroll down. The reasoning behind this is further down.     The brain cannot process "OF". F INISHED F ILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OFSCIENTI F IC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OFYEARS.....  Incredible or what?  Anyone who counts all 6 'F's on the first go is a genius. " Three is normal,four is quite rare. Oy vey...

War Hero Recalls Auschwitz - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

War Hero Recalls Auschwitz - News - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters We stand in awe before towering people like he is!

Purim Parties in Real LIfe

G-d's name is not mentioned in the megillah scroll of Purim because it all looked so natural. Politics, connections, persuasion and schemes etc but behind it all G-d was guiding and putting all the right pieces in place. Isn't that the story of our lives? Look at your life, how much of it (in retrospect at least) can you now see as having been guided from Above? Menachem Mendel Bluming

What is a Real Miracle?

An open miracle is somewhat of a disappointment for G d. Once all is said and done, He got His way only by ignoring the norms of this world He created—by breaking His own rules. If He can only perform miracles by bullying Nature, He may as well concede that our world is a place where He does not belong... So He also makes another sort of miracle—the sort that blends seamlessly into the order of things below. These are impossible miracles: They break no rules, but change everything. In truth, they are the most awesome of miracles—these that reveal the Infinite unrestrained within the finite nature of everyday things. and Menachem Mendel Bluming

Is G-d Vengeful?

The same Bible which warns us not to take revenge describes G ‑ d Himself as "a vengeful G ‑ d." How can this be? If we are told not to be vengeful, why does G-d not practice what he preaches? But that is exactly the point. The very fact that G ‑ d is vengeful allows us humans not to be. No human justice system is foolproof, so ultimate justice is in His hands. He will right the wrongs and punish the wicked. In this world or in the next, in this lifetime or another, in ways we may never know, justice will be served. It's funny, you often hear people disparaging "the vengeful G ‑ d of the Bible." They somehow think that a vengeful G ‑ d will produce vengeful followers. The opposite is true. It is precisely G ‑ d's vengefulness that enables humans to let go of the desire for revenge.  We know there is a true Judge, and He will do justice. So we humans can leave the vengeance to Him, and get on with living. Credits: Rabbi Moss,, Men...

Made Perfectly for You to Accomplish Your Worldly Mission!


Do Jews Place Flowers at a Grave?

Placing flowers on a grave is not a Jewish tradition. Why not? Here's a thought: While flowers are a beautiful gift to the living, they mean nothing to the dead. In death, the body which is ephemeral and temporary is gone, and all that remains is that eternal part of the person, their soul. The body, like a flower, blossoms and then fades away, but the soul, like a solid stone, lives on forever. In the world of truth, the place we all go to after life on earth, what counts is the lasting impact we had on the world. It is the achievements of the soul, not of the body, that remain beyond the grave. The money we make, the holidays we go on, the food we eat and the games we play – these are all flowers that die along with us. But the good deeds we do, the love we show to others, the light we bring into the world, these are eternal. If you want to honor your loved one, take the money you would have spent on flowers and give it to charity in their memory. Then take a modest stone th...

Are You Ready to Help Those with Serious Mental Health Challenges

Without knowing the background and without judging the rabbi in this case, this is an illustration of why it is so critical that every Rabbi be empowered with the tools necessary to assist those who seek their counsel with mental health challenges, especially when undiagnosed. Underlying so many other issues is depression, anxiety etc. of course a Rabbi is not a psychiatrist but a Rabbi must have the tools available and ready to understand the severity and to delegate to those who are trained and able to help. FACEBOOK Tzvi Ference February 19 2016 at 6:44am  ·  The power of שמע ישראל ה אלהינו ה אחד . I have major depression and have attempted suicide in the past. Sometimes life gets so overwhelming that I just want to quit. That happened Wednesday night. I was so overwhelmed that I made up my mind that this was it. I was going to quit life once and for all. This time for good. I was more determined than ever in my life to commit suicide. I started driving down...

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

If you knew the answer, then your compassion for those who are suffering would cease. When you understand why another suffers not only do you not to try to alleviate the suffering but you actually encourage it! When you watch someone suffer through very painful physical therapy you understand the value of their pain and you encourage it. “Come on dad, one more step!” Because you understand why your child is getting a shot from the doctor you do not to try to prevent it. So God was left with a choice… He could allow you to understand suffering or he could make it impossible for a moral human being to comprehend suffering in another human being which would thus galvanize each of us into an indefatigable pursuit of alleviating and ending suffering! He chose the latter… Menachem Mendel Bluming

If you were running

What would your vision be for guiding our country forward? Would you divert from your personal beliefs in order to get more votes? Would you slander other candidates even if you knew that the information is likely not true? If you knew that it would be hurtful to them to publicize negative but true information about them and it would get you more votes, would you do it? Do you think that you would make a great president? Judaism teaches that God provides for us what we need and therefore when we assume  a position of leadership God infuses us  with the wisdom, insight and energy to carry it out!  Choose to lead and the rest will come! Mendel Bluming