Menachem Bluming was challenged this week: Can you give me 100% proof of the existence of G-d? I feel that I cannot accept a religion without hard evidence. Is there any 100% proof of G-d and Torah?

So here’s a thought:

Imagine you could do a blood test to determine who your soulmate is. You would go to a laboratory with a prospective partner and give blood samples, and half an hour later they would tell you whether you will live happily ever after, or better move on. 

Sounds amazing? But think about it. Is that an ideal way to start a relationship? It certainly would save a lot of time. But how dreamy does this sound: "Listen, the blood test came out positive, so I guess we may as well get engaged."

The truth is we wouldn't appreciate a soulmate determined by a lab result. What makes a relationship have meaning is that we can make a choice. If we based a commitment on a blood test, we would indeed have certainty, but the gift of freedom would be lost. Freedom is essential for true love. Certainty is not.

That's why proving G-d 100% is not helpful. G-d doesn’t want us to enter into a relationship with Him by force but by choicec. He created us free who can deny Him if we want. He created a world in which His existence can be debated. There is no argument or proof that forces us to serve G-d. Because of that, when we do serve Him, it is by choice, it is coming from us, and that is the foundation for a real relationship.

Indeed there are indeed many logical proofs of the existence of G-d's and the truth of Torah. But most people are only ready to appreciate the evidence after they have already established a relationship with G-d, just as most people only recognize their soulmate after they already are in a committed relationship.

If you wait to know for sure that you have found your perfect match you may forever remain single. And if you wait for proof of G-d's truth you may forever live in a lonely world. Open you heart for uncertainty and open yourself up to a relationship based on choice. You can find love and you can find G-d.

Menachem M. Bluming and Rabbi Moss and

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